Membre de la SCNAT

Le but de la NGD est d'encourager les études dans différentes branches des sciences naturelles et d'explorer la région de Davos d'un point de vue scientifique.

Image : ESO, R. Fosbury

Decolonizing research – an invitation to learn and unlearn from different entry points


15:00 - 17:00

Online Workshop Series 2023

Decolonizing research – an invitation to learn and unlearn from different entry points
Image : Source: Trisos, et al., 2021

Organisers: Kenza Benabderrazik and Johanna Jacobi (ETH Zürich)
Eva Goldmann, Akanksha Singh, Fernando Sousa (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL)

Using graphical tools we explore different entry points to possible radical shifts as well as gradual changes towards decolonial research project designs. We will invite workshop participants to share their experiences in a safe space, collect criteria and critically reflect on the structures, institutions, and current dynamics that need to be reshaped in order to deconstruct and dismantle coloniality in research projects.

We want to offer a space where concrete examples, big underlying assumptions, and questions that shape our understanding and behavior can be discussed. The participants will split into the breakout rooms of their choice. After a brief period of questions and discussion, participants will be invited to explore questions from their own experience and understanding. We want to start from each participant’s situated knowledge, offering some literature, concepts and examples.

The workshop will be articulated around guiding questions and concepts to activate the dialogues and explore the topics together. Building on these different perspectives and entry points we aim to draw a multi-faceted picture of ideas on how to engage in decolonial approaches.
