
Call for Abstracts: «Is AI the Future of Weather and Climate Modeling?»
The EXCLAIM Symposium, organized by ETH Zurich in collaboration with MeteoSwiss and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), is calling for abstracts on cutting-edge research in AI and physics-based weather and climate modeling. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers, particularly early career scientists, to present their work and engage in discussions that will shape the future of weather and climate predictions. The abstract submission deadline is 26 January 2025.
Image: ETH Zurich
Broadening the horizon in land use change modelling: Normative scenarios for nature positive futures in Switzerland
Within scenario-based research of social-ecological systems, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of normative scenarios that define positive outcomes for both nature and society. These scenarios stand in contrast to typical exploratory scenarios that focus on predicting the most likely future changes, by instead allowing for the rethinking of existing strategies to identify the possibilities for transformative change. However, while there has been an increasing number of studies presenting qualitative narratives of normative scenarios, there is still a gap in terms of operationalizing these narratives in quantitative simulation modelling.

New article in Geography and Sustainability - Analyzing the extent and use of impervious land in rural landscapes
The rapid increase in impervious surfaces presents significant challenges to sustainable land management. Our paper explores how sealed surfaces, often associated with urbanization, are also prevalent in rural regions and what these surfaces are used for.
Image: Buch von Ursus Wehrli «Kunst aufräumen»)
New article in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening – Exploring the interplay of urban form and greenery in residents’ affective and cognitive responses
As urbanization continues to rise, understanding the impact of urban greenery on human wellbeing becomes increasingly important. Our new paper investigates how different types of urban greenery and neighborhood contexts influence residents’ physiological and psychological responses.
Image: produced by DALL·E