- 14-18
- 18+
- 20-40
- 55+
2nd Science Rally Davos
A Science Rally through the Davos Science Institutes

• For employees of the institutes: Familiarize with your research colleagues
• For the members of NGD and the interested public:
Meet and get to know the Davoser research institutes, including the new
ones CERC, SRISM, CK-CARE, and Cardio-CARE.
On Thursdays, 5 pm to approx. 7 pm (incl. pit stop with Monsteiner beer).
Markus Windolf, AO Research Institute Davos: The AO Fracture Monitor - inside the healing process.
Michael Villiger: Swiss Research Institute for Sports Medicine: Digital Fingerprinting - an approach towards personalized sports medicine.
PMOD/WRC: Final Session
All talks and discussions will be in English.
Each institute takes their turn to lead the relay.

Geeignet für
Inhalt: mittel
Interaktivität: aktiv/passiv
Drinnen/draussen: drinnen/draussen
Dr. Stefan Zeiter
AO Foundation (AO Fondation)
Clavadelerstrasse 8
7270 Davos Platz